Mesa Amphitheatre Parking
The Mesa Amphitheatre is located at 263 N Center Street on the southeast corner of University Drive and Center Street in Downtown Mesa, on the Mesa Convention Center Campus.
If you choose to drive to the Mesa Amphitheatre, you will need to consider your parking options. The Convention Center has its own 500-space parking lot including a limited number of free spaces as well as paid. However, these spaces are not bookable and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Plus, as there may be other events happening on the campus on the same day, availability could be limited.
Luckily, there are alternative parking options not far away. Thanks to the Mesa Amphitheatre’s downtown location, there are several parking garages and lots within walking distance. It is a good idea to leave plenty of time to find a parking space and get to the venue on time.
To help you get to the show on time, please put the following address into your map making app or GPS device:
263 N Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201
Once you arrive, here are the best parking options available. Please be sure to bring cash and credit as prices and payment methods may vary. Typically, paid parking is around $10-$15 per car, but prices may vary depending on events going on that day.

Some parking lots ask for cash, while others will accept card payments.
The typical cost of parking a car in the area is $10 to $15 per vehicle, but these costs will vary. Here are the parking lots closest to the Mesa Amphitheatre.
Parking Options
1. Mesa Convention Center (North Lot)
51 East 3rd Place
Mesa, AZ 85201
2. Northern Arizona University
151 North Centennial Way
Mesa, AZ 85201
3. 140 West 1st Street
Mesa, AZ 85201
4. Main Library
64 E 1st Street
Mesa, AZ 85201
5. City Hall Lot (South)
26 East Pepper Place
Mesa, AZ 85201